WooCommerce Thank You page Customization Guide

Table of Contents

What is Thank You Page?

In the context of an online store, the thank you page is a page that is displayed to the customer after they have completed a purchase. This page typically confirms that the order was successful and provides details about the order, such as the order number and the total amount paid.

The thank you page is an important part of the customer experience, as it helps to reassure the customer that their order was processed successfully and provides them with information about their purchase. It is also an opportunity for the store to offer additional products or services, such as upsells or cross-sells, or to gather feedback from the customer.

In WooCommerce, the thank you page is automatically generated and displays the order details and a thank you message. You can customize the content and appearance of the thank you page using the WooCommerce settings and the WordPress Customizer, or you can use a plugin or a child theme to override the default template for the thank you page.

Thank You Page Customization

To customize the WooCommerce thank you page, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the WooCommerce settings page.
  2. From the WooCommerce settings page, click on the “Checkout” tab.
  3. Scroll down to the “Order complete” section. Here, you can customize the text that appears on the thank you page, as well as the order details that are displayed.
  4. To customize the look and feel of the thank you page, you can use the WordPress Customizer. To do this, go to the “Appearance” menu in the WordPress dashboard and select “Customize.”
  5. From the Customizer, you can add custom CSS to change the styling of the thank you page.
  6. If you want to add additional content to the thank you page, such as a form or a list of related products, you can use a plugin like “Custom Thank You Pages for WooCommerce” or you can use a child theme to override the default template for the thank you page.
  7. Don’t forget to save your changes and test the thank you page to make sure everything is working as expected.

Add Content

To add additional content to the WooCommerce thank you page, you can create a function that hooks into the woocommerce_thankyou action. Here’s an example of how you can do this:
					function custom_thankyou_content() {
  // your custom content goes here
  echo '<p>Thank you for your order!</p>';
add_action( 'woocommerce_thankyou', 'custom_thankyou_content' );

This function will output the string “Thank you for your order!” on the thank you page. You can replace this string with any content you like, such as a form or a list of related products.

Keep in mind that this function will be added to the thank you page for all orders. If you want to customize the content based on certain conditions (e.g., the product being purchased), you can use conditional statements to check for these conditions before displaying the content.

You can also use a plugin like “Custom Thank You Pages for WooCommerce” to add custom content to the thank you page. This plugin allows you to create custom thank you pages for specific products or categories, and you can use a visual editor to design the page without having to write any code.

Add Analytics Code

To add analytics code to the WooCommerce thank you page, you can create a function that hooks into the wp_footer action and outputs the analytics code. Here’s an example of how you can do this:

					function add_analytics_code() {
  // your analytics code goes here
  echo '<script type="litespeed/javascript">';
  echo ' ga("create","UA-12345678-1","auto");';
  echo ' ga("send","pageview");';
  echo '</script>';
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'add_analytics_code' );


This function will output the Google Analytics code on the thank you page. You can replace this code with any analytics code you like, such as code for tracking conversions or events.

Keep in mind that this function will be added to the footer of all pages on your site, not just the thank you page. If you only want to add the analytics code to the thank you page, you can use a conditional statement to check the current page before outputting the code.

					function add_analytics_code() {
  if ( is_wc_endpoint_url( 'order-received' ) ) {
    // your analytics code goes here
    echo '<script type="litespeed/javascript">';
    echo ' ga("create","UA-12345678-1","auto");';
    echo ' ga("send","pageview");';
    echo '</script>';
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'add_analytics_code' );


This will only output the analytics code on the thank you page.


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